The Arsenal Files 7
The Arsenal Files Collection #7 (Arsenal Computer)(1996).ISO
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BXWORD12.ZIP 222367 05-03-96 BIBLE CROSSWORD PUZZLES - Attractive VGA
game. Solve electronic crossword puzzles on
your computer. Answer peek, save work options
featured. All clues come from the Bible, with
references to the King James versions.
Requires VGA & hard disk. Version 1.2
CATECHIS.ZIP 10388 08-11-96 A Puritan Catechism (with proofs) - C.H. Spur
CHILDHD.ZIP 12676 07-12-96 Happy Childhood - by C. H. Spurgeon
CHRISTCR.ZIP 19146 08-11-96 Christ Crucified - A Sermon by C.H. Spurgeon
COMPEL.ZIP 15519 08-11-96 Compel Them to Come In - by C.H. Spurgeon
DOWNGRD.ZIP 27068 07-20-96 Spurgeon and the Downgrade Controversy - MacA
EARLYIMP.ZIP 10320 07-12-96 Early Religious Impressions - by C.H. Spurgeo
ELECT2.ZIP 19816 08-11-96 Election - (Predestination) by C.H. Spurgeon
ENCHANT.ZIP 14449 08-11-96 Enchanted Ground - Sermon by C.H. Spurgeon
FIRST7YR.ZIP 9765 08-02-96 Our First Seven Years - by C. H. Spurgeon
GOBACKNO.ZIP 11914 07-12-96 Go Back? Never! - Sermon by C. H. Spurgeon
HAL110.ZIP 101812 05-03-96 HERE A LITTLE 1.1, Tetris/Bible game. The
action of the popular Tetris arcade game with
a Bible twist! Piece together a Bible verse
using random words that descend before time
expires. Nice VGA graphics. Challenging.
HEB11126.ZIP 5756 07-12-96 Exposition of Hebrews 11:1-26 by C.H. Spurgeo
HUMANIN.ZIP 15396 08-11-96 Human Inability - Sermon by C.H. Spurgeon
JERICHO.ZIP 503006 06-08-96 FALL OF JERICHO VERSION 3.0 Presented to you
by: SONsoft P.O. Box 327 Gilcrest, CO 80623
USA ABOUT SONSOFT SONsoft is a Christian
Computer Software Comp you the finest in
Bible Educational Games. I
JUSTGRAC.ZIP 14933 08-11-96 Justification by Grace - Sermon by C.H. Spurg
LITTLES.ZIP 13947 08-11-96 Little Sins - Sermon by C.H. Spurgeon
MEEKLOW.ZIP 16723 08-11-96 Meek and Lowly One - Sermon by C.H. Spurgeon
NECESS.ZIP 14741 08-11-96 Necessity of the Spirit's Work - C.H. Spurgeo
OURCOM.ZIP 15635 07-09-96 Our Compassionate High Priest - by C.H. Spurg
PERHS.ZIP 14795 07-11-96 Personality of the Holy Spirit - by C.H. Spur
PRESUMP.ZIP 16564 08-11-96 Caution to the Presumptuous - by C.H. Spurgeo
PSA01.ZIP 19113 08-03-96 Treasury of David - Psalm 1 - by C. H. Spurge
REDSEA3.ZIP 515859 07-04-96 Crossing the Red Sea v3.00 <ASP> is like no
other Bible quiz game you've ever played. No
matter who you are, you get just the right
difficulty of questions, and the points are
random so that anyone can win. And everyone
will learn. All this and entertaining
graphics and animation, too. Great for family
times, individual play, Sunday School, VBS,
parties, etc. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
SAVFA.ZIP 16030 07-11-96 Saving Faith - A sermon by C. H. Spurgeon
SUM&SUB.ZIP 11889 07-11-96 Sum & Substance of All Theology - C.H. Spurge
UNKGIVER.ZIP 15890 07-11-96 Unknown Giver and the Misused Gifts - Spurgeo
WORDREST.ZIP 15392 07-11-96 Words to Rest On - Sermon by C. H. Spurgeon